DISCLAIMER : We're not in any way affiliated with any organizations, clubs, associations and groups mentioned in this blog.. we're just a bunch of ppl who easily get excited & are eager to share with other. if u find any connection/ relationship/ similarities with anybody or any organization, that must be because we love the same One and Only (allah), we share the same purpose (ubudiyyah al-Quran 51:56 & khilafah 2:30), we live the same system of life (Islam), we are the fans of the same person (Rasulullah saw) and we read the same manual (al-Quran).

Who are W.E.?

Assalamualaikum wbt..

[mind not our deteriorating English... had been years since we lay our hands on any good English literature.. studying in Russia makes ur English russian-ized]

We're internet junkies.. Can spend hours on the net googling/wiki-ing this and that.. Our field of interest (or obsession, u may say) is the current news.. eramuslim, onislam, palestin-info, electronic intifadha, ikhwanweb, AJE (al-jazeera english), our youtube subscriptions, FB, twitter bla bla bla..

We don't know where to spill the excitement [read = awareness, informations] that we use to be syok sendiri..

eg we were animatedly (or rather, euphorically) describing how fun this one talk between Tariq Ramadhan (famous muslim thinker) and Zizek to our friends, and they all went blur2.. =.="'

So, that's why The Unofficial Media is here - to fill the void..

Disclaimer : we're not in any way affiliated with any organizations, clubs and what-so-ever mentioned in this blog.. if u find any connection/relationship/similarities with anybody/any organization, that must be because we love the same One and Only (allah), we share the same purpose (ubudiyyah al-Quran 51:56 & khilafah 2:30), we live the same system of life (Islam), we are the fans of the same person (Rasulullah saw) and we read the same manual (al-Quran).

Allahu'alam.. :)