DISCLAIMER : We're not in any way affiliated with any organizations, clubs, associations and groups mentioned in this blog.. we're just a bunch of ppl who easily get excited & are eager to share with other. if u find any connection/ relationship/ similarities with anybody or any organization, that must be because we love the same One and Only (allah), we share the same purpose (ubudiyyah al-Quran 51:56 & khilafah 2:30), we live the same system of life (Islam), we are the fans of the same person (Rasulullah saw) and we read the same manual (al-Quran).

Thursday 31 March 2011

Aqsa Syarif is coming to Moscow! :)

Assalamualaikum wrt, rakyat moscow sekalian..

Kami bukan PPIM (persatuan perubatan islam malaysia) atau aqsa syarif atau hamas atau org palestin ke hape.. Kami hanyalah a bunch of ppl who easily get excited & eager to share with others! if u find any connection/relationship/similarities with anybody or any organization, that must be because we love the same One and Only (allah), we share the same purpose (ubudiyyah al-Quran 51:56 & khilafah 2:30), we live the same system of life (Islam), we are the fans of the same person (Rasulullah saw) and we read the same manual (al-Quran).

Korang klik je link ni, baru tau apa akan terjadi - klik sini.sini.sini!

Speaker nye salah seorang rakyat Malaysia yg terselamat dlm tragedi Mavi Marmara tahun lepas dalam usaha menghantar bantuan ke wilayah terkepung Gaza. Klik lagi sini.sini.sini!

Page2 fb utk di-like. (silakan klik) :
dan banyak lagi..

Blog2 yg boleh difollow (klik lagi.lagi.dan.lagi!) :
dan banyak lagi..

Untuk mereka yang di Moscow, ad byk pertandingan yg ditawarkan untuk meng-ekspresikan keprihatinan anda berkaitan Palestin [klik to enlarge poster & hubungilah AJK berkenaan utk menghantar penyertaan! :) ] :

(post blog ni bukan utk tujuan masuk bertanding, harap maklum ;P )

Selamat mencuba!! dr kite dok depan laptop stalk fb org, bleh lah kite perah otak sket buat stat fb yg best2 ke, upd8 blog ke etc.. Muahaha! Peace (be upon you!) ;)

The 3rd Intifdha OTW?!

Assalamualaikum wbt

  • Ada orang buat FB group The Third Intifadha. Mereka sasarkan 15 Mei (Hari Nakbah Palestina.. Palestine jatuh ke tgn Yahudi laknatullah pd 15 Mei 1948) mulanya Intifadha Ketiga di Palestin.
  • Dlm masa yg singkat, beribu-ribu orang join FB group tersebut.
  • Awal minggu ini, Israel menghantar arahan kepada Zuckerberg untuk menghapuskan group FB tersebut.
  • Sebagai reaksi, lagi banyak FB group 3rd Intifadha yang dibuat. Tak percaya? Pi tengok sendiri.
  • It's the in-thing now. FB, u-tube, twitter are ur tools to mobilize ppl to fight against thaghut. May Allah make us ikhlas in our struggle to liberate al-Quds + to save the ummah.
sumber berita : eramuslim
